
October 26 2018


Hello all,


Please click on the link below for the latest VJH newsletter. There is also a link to a program our food services team is doing around school breakfast participation. 


Form our Health Office we wanted you to know we have had a number of parents report students who are ill with Hand Foot and Mouth Disease especially those on our sports teams. This is a viral illness that typically affects younger kids but seems to be prevalent in all ages in the community now as well. The spread of disease can be contained with good hand-washing. Symptoms include ulcers, or sores, inside or around the mouth, and a rash or blisters on the hands, feet, legs, or buttocks. Children are allowed to return to school once they feel well per NYS guidelines. Pregnant persons who have had direct exposure to someone with the disease should consult with their physician.


 Thank you for all you do to send your kids to us ready to learn and excited to be at VJH. We are lucky to spend time with the students of the Victor-Farmington community. 


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