Academic Intervention

Academic Intervention Services in a Response to Intervention Model

In the Victor Central School District, we believe all students can learn, improve, and achieve academic and social emotional success. To ensure students meet these goals, we implement a Response to Intervention or RtI process so that students can receive appropriate supports in order to grow academically, socially and emotionally. The RtI process includes teams of educators that:

  1. Analyze nationally normed assessment data, local and State assessment data, and teacher observations to identify students who may be at risk for not meeting grade level standards in core academic areas and/or in need of social-emotional support.
  2. Develop plans that use scientific, research-based instructional strategies to meet targeted student goals in academics, developmental needs (at the elementary level), and/or social-emotional learning.
  3. Evaluate and assess to determine the effectiveness of interventions and the rate of student growth.
  4. Adjust student plans to offer more/less intense interventions based on student need. See graphic below for details regarding our three-tiered approach to Response to Intervention (RtI).

When students make progress toward meeting grade level standards, a team of educators will reconvene to determine whether or not the student will be exited from RtI services. Families will receive written notification when a student is exited or entered into RtI Services.