Post-secondary Transition Planning

Transition planning for students with disabilities is essential to prepare them for post-school living, learning and working. The student's post-secondary goals, and recommendations for transition services and activities, are included in the IEP beginning not later than the first IEP to be in effect when the student is age 15 (and at a younger age, if determined appropriate), and updated annually. These goals must be based on age-appropriate transition assessments completed by the student, parent, and teacher.

Students must be invited to CSE meetings when transition goals and services will be discussed. If a student does not attend, the CSE will take steps to ensure the student’s preferences and interests are considered and reflected in the IEP.

Student Exit Summary
When a student with a disability exits school with a regular high school diploma, a CDOS credential, or a Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential, the student is provided a summary of his/her academic achievement and functional performance. The purpose of the Student Exit Summary is to provide the student with a written report that provides essential information to consider as the student transitions from secondary school. The Student Exit Summary is a useful and relevant document that summarizes individual student abilities, skills, needs and limitations and provides recommendations to support successful transition to adult living, learning and working. The Student Exit Summary is designed to assist the student in establishing eligibility for reasonable accommodations and supports in postsecondary settings, the workplace and community and to aid the student in accessing adult services as appropriate. It helps the student better understand the impact of his/her disability and articulate individual strengths and needs as well as supports that would be helpful in post-school life.

Key Elements of Successful Transition Plans and Services
The goal of transition planning is to identify and provide students with opportunities and necessary supports while they are in school that will lead the student to achieve his/her post-secondary goals for lifelong learning, community participation, and work for pay. The process of transition planning requires a partnership among the student, family and school, and, as appropriate, other agencies that can provide transition activities for the student. By its very nature, transition planning is a collaborative effort and must be thought of as an on-going process across multiple school years.

    Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR) offers access to a full range of employment and independent living services that may be needed by persons with disabilities through their lives.
  2. Institute for Innovative Transition
    The University of Rochester's Institute for Innovative Transition works to improve the quality of life for people with developmental disabilities and their families as they transition from school age to adulthood