Facilities and Operations

Our schools are located on a 170 acre campus that includes five buildings surrounded by athletic fields and playgrounds. This unique campus setting, paired with the dedication and commitment of our staff, fosters a strong sense of community for our students and their families. 

If you would like to contact the office of Facilities & Operations please call (585) 924-3252, ext. 7127

District-wide School Safety Plan
Project S.A.V.E.
(Safe Schools Against Violence in Education)
Outline for Victor Central School District School Safety Plan
(Commissioner’s Regulation 155.17)


Emergencies and violent incidents in school districts are critical issues that must be addressed in an expeditious and effective manner. Districts are required to develop a district-wide school emergency management plan designed to prevent or minimize the effects of serious violent incidents and emergencies and to facilitate the coordination of the district with local and county resources in the event of such incidents or emergencies. The district-wide plan is responsive to the needs of all schools within the district and is consistent with the more detailed emergency response plans required at the school building level. Districts stand at risk from a wide variety of acts of violence, natural, and man-made disasters. To address these threats, the State of New York has enacted the Safe Schools Against Violence in Education (S.A.V.E.) law. Project S.A.V.E. is a comprehensive planning effort that addresses prevention, response, and recovery with respect to a variety of emergencies in each school district and its schools.

Section I: General Considerations and Planning Guidelines

A.       Purpose
The Victor Central School District Safety Plan was developed pursuant to Commissioner’s Regulation 155.17. At the direction of the Victor Central School Board of Education, the Superintendent of the Victor Central School District appointed a District-wide School Safety Committee and charged it with the development and maintenance of the District-wide School Safety Plan.

B.       Identification of School Teams
The Victor Central School District has created School Safety Committees consisting of, but not limited to, teachers, administrators, parent representation, school resource officer, and other school personnel.

C.       Concept of Operations
1.        The District-wide School Safety Plan shall be directly linked to the individual
Building-level Emergency Response Plans for each school building. Protocols
reflected in the District-wide School Safety Plan will guide the development
and implementation of individual Building-level Emergency Response Plans.
2.       In the event of an emergency or violent incident, the initial response to all
emergencies at an individual school will be by the School Emergency 
Response Team.
3.       Upon the activation of the School Emergency Response Team, the
Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee will be notified and, where
appropriate, local emergency officials will also be notified.
4.       Efforts may be supplemented by county and state resources through existing

D.       Plan Review and Public Comment
1.       This plan shall be reviewed and maintained by the District-wide School Safety Committee and reviewed on an annual basis on or before July 1 each year.
2.       While linked to the District-wide School Safety Plan, Building-level Emergency Response Plans shall not be subject to disclosure under Article 6 of the Public Officers Law or any other provisions of law, in accordance with Education Law Section 2801-a.

Section II:  General Emergency Response Planning
(The District-wide School Safety Plan should provide the framework for the Building-level emergency Response Plan.)

A.       Identification of sites of potential emergency, including:
1.       The process for identifying the sites: The sites listed below were
identified by the planning team in consultation with participating school personnel and outside agency representatives:
          a.  External List: (examples include hazardous railroad location, airports,
          industrial sites with potential for chemical spills, dams or waterways
          with flood potential, nuclear power plants, etc.)
                           * Empire Natural Gas Line
                           * New York State Thruway for spills
          b.  Internal List: (chemical storage location, swimming pools, boiler rooms, etc.)
                            * Swimming Pool (Junior/Senior High School) – associated chemicals
                            * Boiler Rooms in each building
                            * Science Prep Rooms

Section III:  Victor District-wide Safety Plan

A.       Policies and procedures for responding to implied or direct threats by students, staff, and visitors
Anyone issuing an implied or direct threat is required to be escorted by a staff member to the building administrator. The building administrator will evaluate the seriousness of the threat and follow-up with necessary actions including but not limited to:
1.     Disciplinary action as outlined in the District’s Code of Conduct Policy
2.     Referral to counseling
3.     Law enforcement involvement
4.     Superintendent’s hearing and possible suspension for students or State Education Department sanctions for staff

B.       Procedures for restricting access to the violent crime scene to preserve evidence
Prior to the arrival of law enforcement representatives, the building administrator will make every effort to restrict access to the crime scene in order to preserve evidence. Upon arrival of law enforcement officials, they will take over this responsibility with the full support of the building administrator.

C.       Prevention and Intervention Strategies
Methods used in the Victor Central School District include:
1.     Recruitment and training of school safety staff to de-escalate potentially violent students.

D.       Procedures for involving law enforcement for violent incidents
All staff are required to notify the building administrator of any violent incidents. The building administrator will determine the seriousness of the situation, refer to the Emergency Management Plan, and contact law enforcement immediately if the situation warrants.

E.       Procedures for contacting parents/guardians regarding violent incidences
For incidents involving individual or several students, the parents/guardians of all students involved will be notified as soon as possible by the building administrator regarding the details of the incident. Whenever the safety of the general student population has been jeopardized, all parents/guardians will be notified of the circumstances of the incident as soon as possible.

F.        Procedures outlining the role of school personnel and equipment in school safety measures
All staff are required to actively participate in measures outlined by the administration for providing school safety and security. These include:
1.       Limiting access for all persons to one main entrance during regular instructional hours.
2.       Being cognizant of strangers in the building and stopping visitors who have not properly registered.
3.       Providing adequate lighting in all areas.
4.       Reducing and controlling traffic flow on campus.

G.       Procedures for disseminating information following a violent incident at school
The Superintendent, in conjunction with the School and Community Relations office and building principal, will issue to the appropriate office staff a written media release statement to be shared with the public as needed. A statement to parents/guardians regarding the nature of the incident, the response used, and any follow-up procedures required will also be issued.

H.       Procedures for annual safety training for staff and students
Appropriate training will be held for the following:
1.       New teacher/ staff at respective orientations
2.       Bus drivers at regularly planned training
3.       Students at the beginning of the school year
4.       All other staff annually

I.         Protocols for responding to emergency situations
(Refer to the Emergency Management Plan)

J.        Strategies for improving communication among students and between students and staff regarding reporting bullying and violence
(Refer to the Code of Conduct)

K.       Protocols for dealing with a public health emergency involving a communicable disease (Refer to the Public Employer Health Emergency Plan)

L.       Description of duties of hall monitor and other safety personnel, training required and the hiring/screening process
1.       School Resource Officer – Job Responsibilities
          a.     Serves as an active member of the District Emergency Response Team
          for health-related issues
          b.     Serves as an active member of the District’s Safety Committee
          c.     Works in conjunction with District social workers on all truancy-related
          d.     Develops violence prevention strategies and acts as a consultant to the
          school community on related issues
          e.     Serves as a liaison with local law enforcement agencies
          f.      Serves as a positive role model for students PreK-12
          g.     Serves as a resource to faculty and staff on crime prevention issues
          h.     Promotes the development of positive attitudes toward law enforcement
2.       Campus Safety Team – Job Responsibilities
          a.     Assists teachers in cafeteria study hall with attendance procedures,
          passes, and maintenance of order
          b.     Assists with corridor and parking lot supervision before school, during
          lunch periods, and activity period as assigned by the assistant principal
          c.     Assists with attendance procedures as requested by the assistant
          d.     Assists teachers with other such duties as deemed appropriate by the
          principal or his/her designee

M.      Evacuation procedures, sheltering sites, medical assistance, transportation arrangements, emergency notification to parents in response to a “serious violent incident”
1.       Evacuation Procedure (Refer to the Emergency Management Plan)
2.       Sheltering Sites (Refer to the Emergency Management Plan)
3.       Medical Assistance:
          a.     All school buildings have a nurse on duty during regular instructional
          b.     The 911 system is used to secure additional needed assistance
4.       Transportation Arrangements (Refer to the Emergency Management Plan)
5.       Emergency notification to parents/guardians in response to a “serious violent incident”:
          a.     At the beginning of each year, parents/guardians provide the school with
          emergency phone numbers where they can be reached during school hours.
          Parents/Guardians are directed to listen to designated radio stations,
          television stations and the District’s current communication system for
          emergency information such as early dismissal, pick-up areas and debriefing
          areas, if necessary.

N.       Procedures for assuring that response agencies have access to floor plans, blue prints and schematics of interior and exterior properties and access areas.
Each year as the plan is updated, and at anytime significant changes occur, the Director of Facilities will provide floor plans, blue prints, and schematics of interior and exterior areas to the local fire chief, ambulance corps, police department and the county emergency management coordinator for each respective facility.

O.       Description of Internal and External Communication Systems
1.       Internal: Two-way communication is provided from all building areas and rooms to the main office.
          a.     Key administrators, key staff members, and Campus Safety Team have
          two-way radios within the buildings.
2.       External: The 911 system directly links all phones to the County Emergency Management Office.
          a.     Administrators have cell phones for external and internal use.
          b.     Fire and burglar alarms are linked directly to the 911 system.

P.        Chain of command consistent with the national incident command system
The chain of command will follow the guidelines as set forth in the Victor Emergency Management Plan. Additionally, in accordance with the national Incident Command System, the chain of command will include local agencies which have jurisdiction over the incident.

Q.       Procedures for coordinating the plan with the county and statewide plans
The District Safety Coordinator will submit a copy of the plan to the affected County Emergency Management Coordinator for review to insure compatibility with the county plan and statewide plan on an annual basis.

R.       Procedure for review and conduct of drills to test components of the plan
Each year, the Superintendent will conduct at least one test of the emergency response procedures for each student occupied facility. All tests will be conducted in cooperation with local and county emergency management officials to the extent possible.

Revised 7/5/2023                                                                                         
Board of Education Review and Adoption – 8/8/2024

Remote Emergency Instruction Plan