2022-2023 Budget
Thank You for Supporting Our Schools!
The 2022-23 VCS school budget passed as well as the propositions for bus purchases and the creation of a bus purchase Reserve and a Capital Reserve. These results show the continued commitment of our community toward the education of our children in the Victor Central School District. Special thanks to the faculty and staff who make our schools a great place to learn. We look forward to our continued collaboration with this outstanding community for years to come.
In addition, we congratulate incumbent Board members, Tim DeLucia and Kristin Elliott and newcomer Lisa Kostecki for winning three year uncontested seats on the VCS Board of Education. Special thanks to Christopher Eckhardt who chose not to run for a second term for his dedication and commitment to our children.
Below are the results from the Annual Budget Vote and Election:
The Budget Proposition passed. (2559 yes to 1857 no)
The School Bus Proposition passed. (2682 yes to 1751 no)
The 2022 Capital Reserve Fund Proposition passed. (2669 yes to 1861 no)
The 2022 Bus Purchase Reserve Fund Proposition passed. (2647 yes to 1868 no)
The Victor Farmington Library Funding Proposition was defeated. (1415 yes to 3256 no)
VCS Spring News Magazine – Budget Issue
Budget Hearing / Meet the Candidates Night
Board of Education Candidates
Budget Q&A
- Why are we hiring over 30 staff members for next year and how will this impact my taxes?
- What is a tax levy?
- What is a tax rate?
- What will the tax rate be for next school year?
- What is the New York State tax cap?
- I thought the Tax Cap was limited to 2%.
- How much Foundation Aid will VCS receive this year?
- Why is the Victor/Farmington Library Funding Proposition vote part of the VCS Budget Vote?
Why are we hiring over 30 staff members for next year and how will this impact my taxes?
What is a tax levy?
What is a tax rate?
What will the tax rate be for next school year?
What is the New York State tax cap?
I thought the Tax Cap was limited to 2%.
How much Foundation Aid will VCS receive this year?
Why is the Victor/Farmington Library Funding Proposition vote part of the VCS Budget Vote?
2022-2023 Budget Development