Dignity for All Students Act

A student’s ability to learn and to meet high academic standards, and a school's ability to educate its students is compromised by incidents of discrimination or harassment including bullying, taunting, or intimidation. The Dignity Act makes it the official policy of New York State that all students in public schools have the right to an education free of discrimination and harassment.  

The Dignity Act includes, but is not limited to, acts of discrimination and harassment based on a student’s race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender (defined to include gender identity or expression), or sex.

The Dignity Act defines material incidents of harassment as a single incident or a series of related incidents where a student is subjected to harassment and/or discrimination by a student or school employee on school property or at a school function that creates a hostile environment by conduct, with or without physical contact and/or by verbal threats, intimidation or abuse, of such a severe or pervasive nature that:

  • has or would have the effect of unreasonably interfering with a student's educational performance, opportunities or benefits, or mental, emotional, and/or physical well-being; or
  • reasonably causes or would reasonably be expected to cause a student to fear for his or her physical safety.

The Victor Board of Education is committed to providing a safe and productive learning environment within its schools that promotes respect, dignity and equality.  The Board recognizes that acts of discrimination, such as harassment, hazing and bullying, are detrimental to student learning and achievement.  These behaviors interfere with the mission of the district to educate its students, and they disrupt the operation of the schools. Such behavior affects not only the students who are its targets but also those individuals who participate and witness such acts.

To this end, the Board strictly prohibits all forms of discrimination, such as harassment, hazing and bullying on school property, on school buses, and at school sponsored events and/or activities whether occurring on or off campus.

Please read this informative guide that presents an overview of the basic requirements under DASA. 

To report an incident, click on the appropriate school form below. Completed online forms will be sent to your building specific Dignity Act Coordinator(s) when you click "submit" at the end of the form.

School Building Forms Dignity Act Coordinator
Early Childhood School Form Laura Reynolds, Assistant Principal
Primary School Form Amanda Byrne, Assistant Principal
Intermediate School Form Thomas Cheevers, Assistant Principal
Natalie Sonneville, Assistant Principal
Junior High School Form

Brian Gee, Principal
Laura Westerman, Assistant Principal

High School Form
Jennifer Grimes, Assistant Principal
Keith Pedzich, Assistant Principal
Ashleah Selvek, Secretary for Assistant Principals
District Form Karen Finter, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction
Title I and Title IX Coordinators

Karen Finter, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction                      

Dorothy DiAngelo, Assistant Superintendent for Personnel