Health Information
School Nurses
Early Childhood
Junior High
High School
- Updated Covid Guidance (Fall, 2024)
- End of Year Health Information
- 2024-2025 Important Health Updates
- When to Keep a Child Home with an Illness
- Screenings
- COVID Information
- CDC Flu Guide for Parents
- Medication Information
- Health Forms
- Work Permit
- Additional Parent Information
- Child Health Plus
- Emergency Care Plans
- Athletic Registration
Updated Covid Guidance (Fall, 2024)
The updated Respiratory Virus Guidance recommends that people stay home and away from others until at least 24 hours after both their symptoms are getting better overall, and they have not had a fever (and are not using fever-reducing medication). Note that depending on the length of symptoms, this period could be shorter, the same, or longer than the previous guidance for COVID-19.
End of Year Health Information
Dear Parent(s) and Guardian(s):
We want to take this opportunity to remind you of important health requirements for the upcoming school year. Please review the information below and contact us if you have any questions.
Health Examinations (physicals):
New York State law requires a health examination* for all new entrants and students in grades Pre-K or K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 & 11;
Every year for students participating in athletics (sports);
For working papers as needed; or
When required by the Committee on Special Education (CSE) or Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE).
*A dental exam form is also requested at the same time a grade-level health examination is required.
Immunizations (shots/vaccines):
New York State law requires all students entering or attending (including remotely) any New York State school (public, nonpublic,
and charter schools) must receive all doses of immunizations required for their grade level in order to attend school. The immunization requirements for each grade level are outlined on NYSDOH Immunization Requirements for School Entrance/Attendance Chart. Students who do not have the required immunizations may not attend school.
A request for medical exemption to immunization must be completed on this form: Medical Exemption Statement for Children 0-18 Years of Age (
Prescribed & Over-The-Counter Medications
If your child needs to take medications during the school day the school must have the following:
- A written healthcare provider order. (Attestation is also required for independent students.)
- Written parent/guardian consent, and the medication must be brought to the school by an adult.
- The medications must be in their original labeled prescription or over-the-counter bottles/packaging.
- Any special supplies or equipment for the nurse to administer the medication must also be provided to the school.
Please refer to the VCS website for the New York State Required Health Examination Form or ask your healthcare provider.
If you have any questions please reach out to your school nurse at the contact information below.
If you have any questions please reach out to your school nurse at the contact information below.
Corinne Fox, ext 2410 Fax: (585) 742-7048
Lori Pownall, ext 3410 Fax: (585) 742-7068
Marissa Smith, ext 4410 Fax: (585) 742-7062
Kristin Renkert, ext 5410 Fax: (585) 742-7027
Kim Spitzer, ext 6410 Fax: (585) 742-7056
2024-2025 Important Health Updates
Important Health Updates for the 24-25 School Year
School Immunization information:
Children attending pre-K through 12th grade in New York State must receive all required doses of vaccines on the recommended schedule in order to attend or remain in school. September 17, 2024 is the last day students can attend school if they do not have the required immunizations.
Within 14 days of the first day of school parents must:
Show proof of their child's up-to-date vaccinations
Provide a valid medical exemption from vaccination
Physical Exam information:
New York State law requires that each child in a school district have a health examination including body mass index before entering school for the first time, and again in grades 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11. Students wishing to play interscholastic sports or requesting work permits must have an annual health exam.
OTC (over the counter) Medication information:
All OTC (over the counter) medications must have a healthcare provider order and written parent/guardian consent in order to be administered or taken at school. Any OTC form will be acceptable with parent consent and a physician order. An OTC form can be found on the school website under health information. We also need the parent to provide the medication before we are able to administer it as well, please be sure to label the medication with your child’s name. It must be delivered to the school by an adult and not the child. Thank you!
When to Keep a Child Home with an Illness
It can be hard to know when to send children to school if they tell you that they do not feel well. Usually, the best place for them is in school, but there are sometimes when keeping them home to rest or call for an appointment with your health care provider is recommended.
Fever greater than 100.4° (taken by mouth)
- Vomiting and/or diarrhea within the last 24 hours
- Severe sore throat along with fever and feeling ill for more than 48 hours, or after exposure to Strep throat infection
- Honey-crusted sores around the nose or mouth or rash on other body parts
- Large amounts of mucous (liquid) from their nose, with face pain or headache
- Severe ear pain or fluid coming from the ear
- Severe headache, especially with fever
- Discolored eye drainage
- Persistent cough that interferes with concentration
- Stomachache – pain
- Fatigue, body aches
If your child has a fever, it is not a good idea to give them medicine like Tylenol or Advil and send them to school because as soon as the medicine wears off, the fever may return, and you will be called to come and pick up your child.
Please keep children home for 24 hours after the fever ends without fever reducing medication, or they have completed 24 hours of medication if prescribed by your health care provider.
Remind children to throw away used tissues, cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze, keep their hands away from their face, and to wash hands often with soap and warm water will help keep everyone healthier.
Please contact your school nurse with any concerns or questions.
The Victor School District must comply with all the New York State laws and regulations related to school health.
Our Health Services program is committed to supporting your student’s academic success by promoting health in the school setting. One way that we provide care for your student is by performing the health screenings as mandated by the State of New York.
During this school year, the following screenings will be required or completed at school:
- Distance and near acuity for all newly entering students and students in Pre-K or Kindergarten, Grades 1, 3, 5, 7, and 11.
- Color perception screening for all newly entering students.
Hearing screening for all newly entering students and students in Pre-K or Kindergarten, Grades 1, 3, 5, 7, and 11.
- Scoliosis (spinal curvature) screening for all girls in grades 5 and 7, and boys in grade 9.
A letter will be sent home if there are any findings on the screening done at school that would cause concern or need medical follow-up. Please call the school’s Health Office if you have any questions or concerns.
State requirements for school health services include:
- Health examination is required within 12 months of admission to school and in grades PreK or K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11.
- Health examination is required for work permits
- Health examination is required each year for interscholastic athletics
- Vision screening is required within 12 months of admission to school and in grades Pre K or K, 1, 3, 5, 7, and 11.
- Hearing screening is required within 12 months of admission to school and in grades Pre K or K, 1, 3, 5, 7, and 11.
- Scoliosis screening is required in grades 5 and 7 for girls and grade 9 for boys.
- Dental examination - we are requesting a dental certificate in grades PreK or K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11.
Lead screening - not required, discuss with your primary care provider whether your child requires this test.
We recommend that your own healthcare provider give your child’s physical examination. These appraisals/examinations must have been given within the last twelve months of the first day of school. A form, available on the web site, is to be filled out by your healthcare provider. Please have your provider complete it and return it to your child’s School Health Office as soon as possible.
In the rare event that a certificate of private examination is not provided, a physical examination may be conducted in the school by scheduled appointment and with prior written parental informed consent. A parent has the right to be in attendance at this examination and/or to review history questions that may be asked of your child.
COVID Information
CDC Flu Guide for Parents
Medication Information
Students, who require medication, either prescription or non-prescription, during the school day or during school related activities, must meet the following district policies on a yearly basis:
- Written authorization from the prescribing physician and parent. A form for Permission to Administer Medication must be on file in the nurses office
- Prescription medication must be in the original pharmacy container, labeled with the student’s name, medication dose, route, and time. Non-prescription medication must be in the original container with the student’s name attached.
- All medication must be delivered to the nurse’s office by the parent. Students are not permitted to have any medication, other than inhalers or Epi-Pens with prior medical approval, on their person or in their lockers.
- Medication will be stored in the nurse’s office.
- Under special circumstances, self-administration may be allowed. Please contact the school nurse for further information.
- All medication not picked up by parents at the end of the school year will be discarded during the summer.
Health Forms
Work Permit
Parents must complete and sign the first section of the Working Permit form and return to the school nurse. A valid health appraisal within the last year is required. The nurse will then complete the Health Certification Form and the permit will be issued.
Additional Parent Information
Child Health Plus
Every child deserves a medical home. If you require, but cannot afford health insurance to secure private health care for your child, please contact the school nurse for confidential assistance in applying for Child Health Plus.
Child Health Plus is New York State’s medical insurance program which serves uninsured children under age 19 in families whose household income exceeds Medicaid income eligibility. The insurance is provided free or at a low cost. Coverage includes well child check-ups, immunizations, prescriptions, doctor visits, x-rays and lab work, outpatient mental health, inpatient hospital care, emergency medical care, and other services. The application is a simple one page form requiring proof of the child’s age, household income, and residency.
You can visit the Child Health Plus website or call them at 1-888-758-7658 or 585-396-6463.
Emergency Care Plans
Any child with a severe or life threatening medical condition that may require adult intervention and oversight during the school day, such as but not limited to diabetes, poorly controlled seizures, severe respiratory problems, or anaphylaxis secondary to food or insect allergy, will have an Emergency Care Plan created by the school nurse in cooperation with the parent and their private health care provider. These plans are updated annually. The purpose of the plan is to provide concrete and simple training and instructions to non-medical personnel acting in a supervisory role for your child to keep your child as safe as possible until medical assistance arrives. If you believe your child needs an emergency care plan, please be sure to bring the school nurse medical documentation from your physician as soon as possible, preferably before the start of school.