Welcome to the Junior High!!
We at the Victor Junior High School strive to provide an educational setting that focuses on the successful transition of students through the cognitive, social, physical and emotional changes that occur during adolescent years. Our goal is to work with everyone involved, students, parents and teachers and school staff, to support these endeavors.
Victor Central School District Comprehensive Student Support Plan: K-12
We believe…
That all students:
- Are valued as individuals who possess unique abilities.
- Deserve equal opportunity for learning.
- Have an individualized path of success and achievement which evolves over time.
That effective student support personnel:
- Maintain an open and positive perspective about students.
- Advocate for student needs.
- Assist to provide a safe environment for students.
- Collaborate with students, teachers, parents, administrators, and outside service providers.
That our comprehensive student support program:
- Addresses the social, emotional, academic, and character development of our students.
- Recognizes the diversity of our student population.
- Assists in the development of resiliency, courage, coping, problem solving and collaborative skills in our students.
- Uses data to assist with determining individual student needs and goals, monitor and celebrate progress and growth.
- Supports student transitions throughout their school experience and post-secondary plans.
- Values collaboration with colleagues and partnerships with community agencies and resources.